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ApiError - Class in de.saibotk.jmaw
Simple error model.
ApiError() - Constructor for class de.saibotk.jmaw.ApiError
ApiResponseException - Exception Class in de.saibotk.jmaw
This represents an API exception, for example when the server responds with an HTTP 400 message.
APIStatus - Class in de.saibotk.jmaw
This is the response of the Mojang API containing a status signal APIStatus.MojangAPIStatusCode for each service they offer.
APIStatus() - Constructor for class de.saibotk.jmaw.APIStatus
APIStatus.MojangAPIStatusCode - Enum Class in de.saibotk.jmaw
This is the status code returned by the API as an enum.


changeSkin(String, String, String, SkinMetadata.SkinModel) - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.MojangAPI
This will query the Mojang API for a change of the players skin, by sending a url to the skin file.


de.saibotk.jmaw - package de.saibotk.jmaw
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class de.saibotk.jmaw.SkinMetadata.SkinModel
deleteSkin(String, String) - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.MojangAPI
This will query the Mojang API to delete the players skin.


get(String) - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.APIStatus
Simple helper which calls Map.getOrDefault(Object, Object) on the internal services list.
getApiError() - Method in exception class de.saibotk.jmaw.ApiResponseException
Returns the API's response parsed as a ApiError object, if it contains the typical error and errorMessage fields.
getAPIStatus() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.MojangAPI
This will query the Mojang API for a response about the status of its services.
getBlockedServers() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.MojangAPI
This will query the Mojang API for a list of blocked servers.
getCape() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.PlayerTexturesProperty
Returns the players cape texture.
getChangedToAt() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.UsernameItem
Returns the timestamp, when the user started using the name (in milliseconds).
getError() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.ApiError
Returns the error name.
getErrorBody() - Method in exception class de.saibotk.jmaw.ApiResponseException
This will yield the error body from the ApiResponseException.response.
getErrorMessage() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.ApiError
Returns the error message.
getGson() - Static method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.Util
Returns a Gson instance, prepared with the required custom type adapters, to be used with the provided api models.
getId() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.PlayerProfile
Returns the players uuid.
getId() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.UUIDInfo
Returns the UUID.
getLast24h() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.SaleStatistics
Returns the amount in the last 24 hours.
getMetadata() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.PlayerSkinTexture
Returns the SkinMetadata if there is one.
getModel() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.SkinMetadata
Returns the model.
getName() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.PlayerProperty
Returns the property's name.
getName() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.UsernameItem
Returns the username.
getName() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.UUIDInfo
Returns the username.
getPlayerProfile(String) - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.MojangAPI
This will query the Mojang API for a response about the informations (eg.
getPlayerProfile(String, boolean) - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.MojangAPI
This will query the Mojang API for a response about the informations (eg.
getProfileId() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.PlayerTexturesProperty
Returns the uuid of the player.
getProfileName() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.PlayerTexturesProperty
Returns the players username.
getProperties() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.PlayerProfile
Returns a list of properties of the player.
getProperty(String) - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.PlayerProfile
This will find the specific property in the PlayerProfile.
getRawValue() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.PlayerProperty
Returns the raw value, that was returned by the API.
getSaleStatistics(List<SaleStatistics.MetricKeys>) - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.MojangAPI
This will query the Mojang API for informations about the sales for specific products.
getSaleVelocityPerSeconds() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.SaleStatistics
Returns the sale velocity per second.
getServices() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.APIStatus
This function returns a Map of all services with their name and corresponding status.
getSignature() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.PlayerProperty
Returns the base64 signature for the property, if requested.
getSignatureRequired() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.PlayerTexturesProperty
Returns if a signature was requested or not.
getSkin() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.PlayerTexturesProperty
Returns the skin texture object.
getStatusCode() - Method in exception class de.saibotk.jmaw.ApiResponseException
This will yield the HTTP status code for the associated response.
getTexturesProperty() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.PlayerProfile
This will return the textures property, if available.
getTimestamp() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.PlayerTexturesProperty
Returns the timestamp, when the response was answered.
getTotal() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.SaleStatistics
Returns the total amount.
getUrl() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.PlayerCapeTexture
Returns the url to the cape texture.
getUrl() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.PlayerSkinTexture
Returns the url to the skin texture.
getUsername() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.PlayerProfile
Returns the current username for the player.
getUsernameHistory(String) - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.MojangAPI
This will query the Mojang API for a response about the username history for a player by his uuid.
getUUIDInfo(String) - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.MojangAPI
This will query the Mojang API for a response about the current UUID of a player by its username.
getUUIDInfo(String, long) - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.MojangAPI
This will query the Mojang API for a response about the current UUID of a player by its username at a given timestamp.
getUUIDsForUsernames(List<String>) - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.MojangAPI
This will query the Mojang API for a response about the username history for a player by his uuid.
GREEN - Enum constant in enum class de.saibotk.jmaw.APIStatus.MojangAPIStatusCode


isDemo() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.UUIDInfo
Returns if the account is a demo account.
isLegacy() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.PlayerProfile
Returns if an account is a legacy account.
isLegacy() - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.UUIDInfo
Returns if an account is a legacy account.
ITEM_SOLD_COBALT - Enum constant in enum class de.saibotk.jmaw.SaleStatistics.MetricKeys
ITEM_SOLD_MINECRAFT - Enum constant in enum class de.saibotk.jmaw.SaleStatistics.MetricKeys
ITEM_SOLD_SCROLLS - Enum constant in enum class de.saibotk.jmaw.SaleStatistics.MetricKeys


MojangAPI - Class in de.saibotk.jmaw
This Mojang API wrapper class contains all functions to interact with the Mojang API and will return its answers as instances of their respective model classes found in de.saibotk.jmaw.
MojangAPI() - Constructor for class de.saibotk.jmaw.MojangAPI
Constructor of the MojangAPI class, that will initialize all internal objects used to make requests and deserialize them.


PlayerCapeTexture - Class in de.saibotk.jmaw
This models the players cape texture, found in PlayerTexturesProperty.getCape().
PlayerCapeTexture() - Constructor for class de.saibotk.jmaw.PlayerCapeTexture
PlayerProfile - Class in de.saibotk.jmaw
This models the response for the Mojang API when querying for information on a specific player via MojangAPI.getPlayerProfile(String).
PlayerProfile() - Constructor for class de.saibotk.jmaw.PlayerProfile
PlayerProperty - Class in de.saibotk.jmaw
This models the basic player property found in the list of all properties a player has (PlayerProfile.getProperties()).
PlayerProperty() - Constructor for class de.saibotk.jmaw.PlayerProperty
PlayerSkinTexture - Class in de.saibotk.jmaw
This models the players skin texture object found in PlayerTexturesProperty.getSkin().
PlayerSkinTexture() - Constructor for class de.saibotk.jmaw.PlayerSkinTexture
PlayerTexturesProperty - Class in de.saibotk.jmaw
This models the response of the Mojang API when querying for a PlayerProfile and his PlayerProperty list.
PlayerTexturesProperty() - Constructor for class de.saibotk.jmaw.PlayerTexturesProperty
PREPAID_CARD_REDEEMED_MINECRAFT - Enum constant in enum class de.saibotk.jmaw.SaleStatistics.MetricKeys


RED - Enum constant in enum class de.saibotk.jmaw.APIStatus.MojangAPIStatusCode
response - Variable in exception class de.saibotk.jmaw.ApiResponseException


SaleStatistics - Class in de.saibotk.jmaw
This models the response by MojangAPI.getSaleStatistics(java.util.List).
SaleStatistics() - Constructor for class de.saibotk.jmaw.SaleStatistics
SaleStatistics.MetricKeys - Enum Class in de.saibotk.jmaw
setDemo(boolean) - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.UUIDInfo
Set if an account is a demo account.
setId(String) - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.UUIDInfo
Set the UUID.
setLegacy(boolean) - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.PlayerProfile
Set if an account is a legacy account.
setLegacy(boolean) - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.UUIDInfo
Set if an account is a legacy account.
setName(String) - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.UUIDInfo
Set the username.
SkinMetadata - Class in de.saibotk.jmaw
This models the metadata object returned by PlayerSkinTexture.getMetadata() method.
SkinMetadata() - Constructor for class de.saibotk.jmaw.SkinMetadata
SkinMetadata.SkinModel - Enum Class in de.saibotk.jmaw
SLIM - Enum constant in enum class de.saibotk.jmaw.SkinMetadata.SkinModel


TooManyRequestsException - Exception Class in de.saibotk.jmaw
This represents the TooManyRequestsException returned by the API.
toString() - Method in enum class de.saibotk.jmaw.SkinMetadata.SkinModel


uploadSkin(String, String, File, SkinMetadata.SkinModel) - Method in class de.saibotk.jmaw.MojangAPI
This will query the Mojang API for a change of the players skin, by sending the skin file.
UsernameItem - Class in de.saibotk.jmaw
This is the response of the Mojang API containing a username and a timestamp, describing when a player started using the name, for a given uuid.
UsernameItem() - Constructor for class de.saibotk.jmaw.UsernameItem
Util - Class in de.saibotk.jmaw
Utility class holding static functions to recreate commonly used instances of Gson etc.
UUIDInfo - Class in de.saibotk.jmaw
This is the response of the Mojang API containing the current user id and username for a given username.
UUIDInfo() - Constructor for class de.saibotk.jmaw.UUIDInfo


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class de.saibotk.jmaw.APIStatus.MojangAPIStatusCode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class de.saibotk.jmaw.SaleStatistics.MetricKeys
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class de.saibotk.jmaw.SkinMetadata.SkinModel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class de.saibotk.jmaw.APIStatus.MojangAPIStatusCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class de.saibotk.jmaw.SaleStatistics.MetricKeys
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class de.saibotk.jmaw.SkinMetadata.SkinModel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


YELLOW - Enum constant in enum class de.saibotk.jmaw.APIStatus.MojangAPIStatusCode
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