All Classes and Interfaces

Simple error model.
This represents an API exception, for example when the server responds with an HTTP 400 message.
This is the response of the Mojang API containing a status signal APIStatus.MojangAPIStatusCode for each service they offer.
This is the status code returned by the API as an enum.
This Mojang API wrapper class contains all functions to interact with the Mojang API and will return its answers as instances of their respective model classes found in de.saibotk.jmaw.
This models the players cape texture, found in PlayerTexturesProperty.getCape().
This models the response for the Mojang API when querying for information on a specific player via MojangAPI.getPlayerProfile(String).
This models the basic player property found in the list of all properties a player has (PlayerProfile.getProperties()).
This models the players skin texture object found in PlayerTexturesProperty.getSkin().
This models the response of the Mojang API when querying for a PlayerProfile and his PlayerProperty list.
This models the response by MojangAPI.getSaleStatistics(java.util.List).
This models the metadata object returned by PlayerSkinTexture.getMetadata() method.
This represents the TooManyRequestsException returned by the API.
This is the response of the Mojang API containing a username and a timestamp, describing when a player started using the name, for a given uuid.
Utility class holding static functions to recreate commonly used instances of Gson etc.
This is the response of the Mojang API containing the current user id and username for a given username.